The Greater Kingston Kiwanis Foundation is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Your donations to the Foundation are tax deductible. You will be sent a letter with the Kiwanis tax ID information and confirmation of your donation amount when you give to Kingston Kiwanis. Donations of all sizes are welcome.
One hundred per cent of your donation is used directly for services to children and youth in the North Kitsap/ Greater Kingston service area. A listing of the services provided in the past year are found on the Service Projects page.
It is easy to donate to Kingston Kiwanis!
SCAN here to go directly to the secure PayPal site
Just write a check to: Greater Kingston Kiwanis Foundation. Include your name, mailing address, email address and phone number. If you are making your donation in memory of a deceased person or in honor of a living person, please share that individual's name and anything you want Kiwanis to know about the individual. If you are donating to a specific fund (scholarship, school supplies, music in the park, Food4Kids), please specify your wishes in your donation letter. Otherwise donations will go to the Foundation endowment. Mail it to: Greater Kingston Kiwanis Foundation P.O. Box 830 Kingston, WA 98346.
You will receive a return confirmation letter within days of Kiwanis receiving your check.
Thank you for supporting the children and families of our community.